January 2017 Update

January 2017 Update

Winter is just beginning and the bay has ice.  As we head into winter, I have been contemplating what I can do to make fishing in Sodus better.  Sodus Bay is a great place to boat, dock and fish, but what it severely lacks is communication between fisherman.   I have been fishing this lake for 13 years, and have fished out of 3 different ports.  I have come to realize that fishing is better in other ports because there are more boats and MUCH better networking between boats.  Sodus Bay anglers can do better!

I always admired the website “At The Oak”.  It was a great resource for the fishermen of another port that I frequent, Oak Orchard.  This site was tremendously helpful to me when I first started traveling to that area about 10 years ago.   It had updated information about what folks were catching and where, which gave a starting point for us “weekend warriors.”  I don’t want people to tell me exactly what to do… I just want a general idea of WHAT is being caught, and in the case of salmon, a general idea where (out deep, near shore, etc).

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