Sodus Bay Fishing Reports
Winter 2016/2017
March 20- with the recent cold and snow, not much going on. Expect the crappie and bullhead bite to heat back up later this week, with the warmer weather in the forecast. Crappie like a minnow or jig below a bobber on the south end of the bay, and Bullhead will go for Leaches or worms on the bottom at night- third creek and near the bay bridge are great spots to start. Perch should be available for the the 1-2 months in the bay, and Brown trout fishing should be great once the ice is gone.
march 9, 2017- brr its cold!! For now expect the streams to have some drop back steelhead and browns. Shore and pier fishing should be good for the next month or so. Crappie and bullhead have been the main game in town, and I have heard reports of perch being caught from boats. This cold, windy weather will likely put things on hold for a bit.
Feb 24- the ice is pretty much all gone. I am now starting to hear reports of crappie and bullhead, as would be expected with ice out and warm weather. If you have a small boat, the browns are biting near shore. I expect this will only get better… the water never got that cold, so the season will likely start a bit early this year!
Feb 18, 2017
Not much to report at this time- the bay is too frozen to use a boat, and the ice is too thin to really ice fish. These temp fluctuations make the ice conditions sketchy at best. I anticipate early ice out and therefore an early brown trout season. The stream reports have been hit and miss, with some fresh steelhead mixed in with some hold outs. It tends to be better shortly after a thaw or fresh rain. The last time I was at maxwell, about half the guys reported catching a fish (mostly one fish) and about half got nothing, myself included. The steelhead fishing has been down the last 3 years or so…