January 2017 Update
Winter is just beginning and the bay has ice. As we head into winter, I have been contemplating what I can do to make fishing in Sodus better. Sodus Bay is a great place to boat, dock and fish, but what it severely lacks is communication between fisherman. I have been fishing this lake for 13 years, and have fished out of 3 different ports. I have come to realize that fishing is better in other ports because there are more boats and MUCH better networking between boats. Sodus Bay anglers can do better!
I always admired the website “At The Oak”. It was a great resource for the fishermen of another port that I frequent, Oak Orchard. This site was tremendously helpful to me when I first started traveling to that area about 10 years ago. It had updated information about what folks were catching and where, which gave a starting point for us “weekend warriors.” I don’t want people to tell me exactly what to do… I just want a general idea of WHAT is being caught, and in the case of salmon, a general idea where (out deep, near shore, etc).
Sadly, that website has now off line, and the guy who ran it has passed. Hopefully this website will become a valuable resource for Sodus Bay and it’s fishermen. Someday maybe it will be as useful as “at the oak” once was on the west end. So, check out the website and tell me what you think! Please feel free to contact me with any advice, questions or comments.
Great idea Abe. I also liked “At The Oak”. Joe was a good friend of mine.